Private / Small Group Lessons
The coaching staff at Wrestling University Training Center are available for personalized instruction (one-on-one), small group partner sessions, and video analysis. This personalized instruction has been developed to address the particular needs of each athlete in the area of technique and mental preparedness. This benifits the wrestler as a supplemental instruction outside of the classes provided by Wrestling University Training Center. An instructor can create a plan to accelerate and enhance the athletes development and/or abilities based on the athletes goals.
The staff at Wrestling University Training Center encourages parents to video their athletes matches. Our staff can review and analyze video to assist athletes in their development of technique and tactics. Video review can also help assist in identifying strength and conditioning factors.
Type of Lessons: |
One-on-One |
$40 per hour |
Small Group (4 - 6) |
$20 per athlete for 1 hour |
Scheduling private lesson or small group sessions
To schedule a personalized lesson please contact one of the following coaches via phone, text or email:
Provide the coach with the following information:
- Name of the athlete(s)
- Type of lesson
- Description of what the lesson goal(s) or area(s) for development
- Request date and time